3 Famous people who died in 1938


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Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

(Turkish President)

19 May 1881 – 10 November 1938 (Aged 57)

Ataturk was a Turkish revolutionary, who became the first president of Turkey and a founder of the Turkish Republic.

He served as president from 1923 until his death.

After coming to power, Ataturk abolished the Ottoman Empire and initiated numerous progressive reforms across the country.

In 1934, he introduced surnames to the country, taking the name ‘Ataturk’ himself, which means “Father of the Turks”.

Ataturk died after being diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver at the age of 57. He is interred in his mausoleum in the city of Ankara.

You can read more about Ataturk here.

Robert Johnson


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8 May 1911 – 16 August 1938 (Aged 27)

Johnson is largely regarded as one of the greatest blues singers and guitarists in history.

Much of Johnson’s recognition came after his death, at the age of 27, leading to much speculation and legends surrounding his life.

The most famous being the myth of him selling his soul to the devil in return for his musical talents.

Johnson is suspected of dying after being deliberately poisoned.

The location of his actual gravesite is unknown, with three separate headstones marking possible locations of his grave.

He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1986, the inaugural induction ceremony.

Constantin Stanislavski


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17 January 1863 – 7 August 1938 (Aged 75)

Stanislavski was a hugely influential Russian theatrical actor and director, credited with developing the performance technique known as method acting.

He started out in theatre as a teenager, rising to the top as an acclaimed performer and director, Stanislavski co-founded the Moscow Art Theatre in 1897.

Between 1922 and 1924, the Moscow Art Theatre toured the world, after which he stayed in the United States, becoming a hugely influential figure in Hollywood, before returning home once more.


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