3 Influential people who died in 1915


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Alois Alzheimer


14 June 1864 – 19 December 1915 (Aged 51)

Born in Marktbreit, Germany. Died in Breslau (Wroclaw), Poland.

Alzheimer was a German psychiatrist who discovered the condition of dementia.

He diagnosed the first published case of ‘presenile dementia’, which was later named after him, ‘Alzheimer’s Disease’.

In his final couple of years, Alzheimer suffered from ill-health before dying of heart failure at the age of 51.

Booker T. Washington


Cheynes Studio / Wikimedia CommonsCC-BY-SA-3.0 / GFDL

5 April 1856 – 14 November 1915 (Aged 59)

Born in Hale’s Ford, Virginia, USA. Died in Tuskegee, Alabama, USA.

Washington was a Civil Rights activist. He founded, what is now known as, the Tuskegee University, and was one of the most influential African-Americans of his time.

He was from the last generation of black American leaders born into slavery, going on to become a leading voice of former slaves and their descendants.

He also founded the National Negro Defence League, which promoted the business interests of African-Americans.

Susan La Flesche Picotte


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17 June 1865 – 18 September 1915 (Aged 50)

Born in Omaha Reservation, Nebraska, USA. Bancroft, Nebraska, USA.

La Flesche was born and raised on the Omaha Reservation, Nebraska, and went to be the first Native American to become a doctor.

She was also an active social reformer, fighting on behalf of her people for public health and land rights.

Picotte died of bone cancer at the age of 50.


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