4 Famous people to die in 1923


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Gustave Eiffel


15 December 1832 – 27 December 1923 (aged 91)

Eiffel was a French architect who is best known for designing and building the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Eiffel also designed the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island, in New York City’s harbor.

In his later years, Eiffel turned his attention to studying meteorology and aerodynamics, contributing greatly to the respective fields.

In 1889, he had meteorological measuring equipment placed on the Eiffel tower and also built a weather station at his house in Sèvres.

He later extended his record-taking to include measurements from 25 different locations across France.

Eiffel died on 27 December 1923 at the age of 91, while listening to Beethoven’s 5th Symphony.

Pancho Villa

(Military Leader)

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5 June 1878 – 20 July 1923 (aged 45)

Pancho Villa was an army general and one of the leading figures in the Mexican Revolution.

Villa carved a name for himself internationally, by starring as himself in Hollywood films and giving numerous interviews to journalists

In 1920, Villa agreed with the Mexican government to retire from hostilities. However, as presidential elections approached in 1923, he re-involved himself in Mexican politics.

In July of that year, Villa was assassinated while on the way from the bank. The assassination is thought to have been on the orders of a political rival.

John Venn


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4 August 1834 – 4 April 1923 (aged 88)

Venn was an English mathematician who is best known for creating the Venn diagram, in order to best display the relationship between sets.

Venn also built rare machines, one being a machine to bowl cricket balls.

His bowl cricket ball machine bowled out the top-ranked player of the Australian cricket team four times in a row when the team visited Cambridge.

Sarah Bernhardt


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22 October 1844 – 26 March 1923 (aged 78)

Bernhardt was a French actress, who found fame on the stages of Europe and America, before going on to star in the some of the first films ever made.

She was renowned for her gifts as an actress and was regarded as one of the most famous stars in the world during her career.

During a stage tour of South America in 1906, Bernhardt landed badly on her already damaged knee, an injury that eventually led to gangrene and amputation in February 1915.

Bernhardt died from kidney failure at the age of 78.

In 1960, she was inducted into the Hollywood Walk of Fame, making her the earliest born person to have a star on the Walk to date.


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