
Credit: @vtanz84
Google Map data ©2019 Ireland

The picturesque village of Clarinbridge lies at the head of beautiful Dunbulcaun Bay.

The name of the town was derived from the ancient bridge which crossed the Clarin River.

On the banks of the river is a historic earthwork that is reputed to have been a medieval fortification.

On the east coast close to the Ballynamanagh Bridge, is ancient Dunbulcaun, a ringfort with a motte-type, central mound.

The local church houses an ancient stone tablet in its porch showing a fine carving of the Virgin Mary standing on a crescent moon and crowned with stars.

The world-famous Clarinbridge Oyster Festival was founded in 1954. The rich oyster beds lie close by, caressed by the invigorating waters of Galway Bay.

Just south of Clarinbridge is Kilcolgan Castle over-looking Galway Bay. This 11th Century castle was rebuilt by the St George Family in the late 18th Century.

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