
Credit: @seancalve
Google Map data ©2019 Ireland

Doolough is a freshwater lake in the west of Ireland. It is located in southwest County Mayo on the Murrisk peninsula.

Doo Lough is one of a set of connected lakes near Delphi. Glencullin Lough flows into Doo Lough, which in turn flows into Fin Lough via the Owengarr River.

Fin Lough in turn drains into Killary Harbour via the Bundorragha River.

Fish species in Doo Lough include trout, perch, salmon, and the critically endangered European eel. 

The lake is part of the Mweelrea/Sheeffry/Erriff Complex Special Area of Conservation.

The northern end of Doo Lough is the site of a stone Celtic cross which was erected as a memorial to the 1849 Doolough Tragedy when seven people died here during the famine.

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